Twitter is a social networking and microblogging site which allows you to post messages (known as tweets) of 140 characters or less, which are then sent to all of your followers. Twitter is being used in many different ways, including in the distribution of fiction.
Twitter is particularly suited to microfiction, where a story is told in one tweet (sometimes called a twister). Some writers maintain a twister must be exactly 140 characters long, whilst others use less. The service is also being used for short stories and novels (which can be serialised over many tweets), for condensing classic works of fiction into one or more tweets, and there is even a 'twitlit' magazine.
How to use Twitter:
The Guardian's guide
Mashable's guide
10 ways to archive your tweets
Also see:
Examples of twitter fiction
Can an AI agent really do “PhD level research”?
OpenAI plans to charge $20,000 (USD) a month for an AI agent that can do
“PhD level research”. Maybe all the PhDs and postdocs recently fired by
DOGE shoul...
5 days ago
The first several months of my site there were no comments; just give it time; now they come in like crazy every day! Thanks.